My path to a career in energy healing

My mother said, “You have healing hands,” when I was ten years old. As a child, I frequently gave shoulder rubs to older family members. I enjoyed it, even though my shoulders and neck muscles became tense and tight from this. By age sixteen, many people knew that I enjoyed giving shoulder rubs, and there was no shortage of people who liked that. Still, I would get tense. Luckily, years later, I learned that light touch can also help muscles relax, if done in a particular way.

At the age of 33, as an Occupational Therapist, I attended a course in Craniosacral therapy, The instructor placed a quarter on our arms and we were told to use only that much pressure. That is when I learned that where I lightly placed my hands, in a skilled way, could affect the body in those areas. (Please note that for an Occupational Therapy Treatment, this was utilized in conjunction with a range of individualized functional and self -care activities).
Now, with Healing Touch Treatment, it is wonderful to elicit the full body relaxation response in my clients utilizing gentle specific treatment techniques.
It is the best of both worlds, helping others while staying relaxed myself.

Education: Healing Touch Certification was rigorous through the Nationally Accredited and Endorsed - Healing Touch Program. The Certification process included 5 Levels of Courses, a year-long Mentorship, and a Professional Exam.